Well, here goes my first blog. We will begin like they do in AA. . .
Hi, my name is Liz and I have PCOS. My husband is Chris. We would like to have children. I was hoping for 3 to be exact.
Now, I will start back to when it all started. In March I realized I was late with my period. Two weeks later, still nothing. Took pregnancy test one, negative. Called and made a doctor’s appointment, luckily they made an appointment for me 2 weeks later. I didn’t have to wait a month.
That week I started to get sick. My stomach hurt, but it was an unusual pain. More like pressure. I keep telling Chris that it felt like an alien was trying to push out of my stomach. I took another pregnancy test (hoping for a positive), negative. Right then, I knew something was wrong. I felt it with everything in my body, and I couldn’t shake that feeling. I’ve only felt like that once before, and I was right then. So I was terrified.
Went to the doctor, he did the standard test. No, I am not pregnant. No, it’s not a UTI or anything else. Everything looks good. But he ordered follow up blood work and scheduled for me to come back for an ultrasound.
Went and got blood work done, and all was normal. In the meantime, the pain in my stomach went away and I got my period. All is well, and I thought I overreacted.
Went for my ultrasound. I had all these little black dots on my ovaries. Silly me, I thought they were my eggs. The doctor comes in to inform me that they were not, they are cysts. Turns out I have PCOS (if you don’t know what it is, I will go into detail in my next post). It is the #1 cause of infertility in women. I stopped listening to what he was saying. I wanted to cry, but I don’t want to in front of the doctor. So I just keep repeating in my head “Don’t cry, Don’t cry, please please PLEASE don’t cry”. I have no clue what the doctor was saying after that. All I did manage to pick up was he want me to start doing ovulation predictor tests in the mornings. And if I am not ovulating within 3 months, he wants me to come back in and we will start talking about what fertility drugs might work for me. He doesn’t want to wait long (probably because of my age, I am 30.).
I remember walking to my car and just crying. Even writing this now, I am filled with emotion, and want to cry. It’s such a tough pill to swallow, if fact, I still haven’t swallowed it. It is stuck in my throat. I either joke about it or cry about it. There is no in-between for me.
I went home, told my husband, cried some more and e-mailed my boss to let him know I was taking the rest of the day off.
Since then, I starting reading “Taking Charge of your Fertility”, I am charting, and taking OPT every morning. I got a false positive last month on the OPT, I know because I got a positive 3 days in a row. You should only ovulate one day. PCOS causes false positives at times.
I am hoping this month goes better, since I will be charting and taking the test I will be (hopefully) able to confirm if the OPT are correct or not.
This is my journey. . I am looking for my silver lining.