I’m a horrible blogger. I just start this and I don’t keep up. Ugh!
I guess it’s because nothing has really been going on. I’m just in the waiting game stages and I am waiting to see what the next move is. My daily routine is to wake up at 6:30 to take my temp., which I don’t even need an alarm to do anymore. My body just wakes me up around 6:25 every day. On the weekend I fall asleep sometimes with the thermometer in my mouth! Then once I am up, I get to pee in a cup. I am actually getting really good at this. I wonder if I can put it on my next resume. . .professional cup pisser. Hmmm. . .
At the same time, everyone one around me is getting pregnant or having kids. Two college friends of mine are now pregnant, my cousin is, and my friend is probably in labor right now delivering her baby girl. Every time I hear that someone is, it’s kind of like a quick slap in the face. It stings at first, but it is quickly forgotten. I just think if by next year, I still am not pregnant then it will more than sting.
It almost that I have my mind tricked. I don’t really believe anymore that I am infertile. First, I was crushed, but now I am in denial. I just don’t think that I will be sitting here next year writing about fertility treatments. I really think I will have a baby in my arms.
Everyone raise your glass to dreamers. . .
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