I’m a bitch today. I am going to explode. Everyone is getting on my nerves. . .there are people at work today that the sound of the voice makes me want to scream! I just want to put tape over their mouths. Guess what that means??? AF must be coming. Great. I knew deep down that I wasn’t pregnant, but seriously? What gives? I thought we did everything right, I actually “o” for the first time in 3 months. And since I don’t have a doctor yet, I guess I’ll do my own WTF appointment.
I wish AF would just come already. So I can just get it over with and start over. The whole waiting game is ridiculous. I guess I should make some decisions while I wait. Like, do I go to the doctor now and get on meds or do I wait another cycle to see if I “o” again on my own. . .
On top of everything else, we have postponed our house search. Initially, I was more then upset. We had found a house that was almost perfect, but being the mature adult that I am, I know that this is for the best now. We have no clue how much fertility treatments are going to cost, and until we have some kind of ballpark figure we have to be smart about the steps we are making for our future.
*Sigh* Things are never easy.