Friday, April 30, 2010
Friday Follow
Okay, I think I signed up to do this. And I hope I do it right, it's the little things that confuse me!

I started looking at Daycares this week, and my first visit wasn’t what I expected. But I’m also not sure what I expected. I’ve never been in a daycare before, so I guess I had this ideal dream-like place in my head. I thought it would be quiet (Not sure how I thought a daycare with tons of kids would be quiet) and beautiful, with better amenities than what I could ever have. I know, crazy right?
Well, here is what I got. I pulled in to find no parking, not sure why, since there were only 2 parents dropping off and 7 people working. . .but whatever. I go to open the door, but noticed there is a security code. Well, that’s a plus! D sees me and opens the door to let me know she will be right with me. Immediately, I am almost knocked over by parents and kids trying to get through their morning routine. It’s crowded, I have nowhere to go, and it’s loud! Oh, so very loud! I thought it was going to be set up more like a doctor’s office, a waiting room, with a receptionist. You sign in your little one and off they go with their keeper for the day. Once again, not sure why I thought it would be that way.
D comes back to get me and we go to the infant room, which is small. It reminds me of what an orphanage would look like. Cheap cribs all lined up, a small place for them to crawl, a rocking chair. You have to remove your shoes to go back, so you don’t track dirt back there. Again, a plus. But the whole time she is talking, I am thinking, can I really drop my baby off here?
After all is said and done, they are more than qualified to take care of my baby. Probably, more so then I am. It’s clean, it seems to be well organized, and the people seem to be great. It came highly recommended. But I can’t shake the feeling that that place is not where he is supposed to be. The cost for what I am getting, seems to be a little much. It’s half of my weekly paycheck. And even as I write this, that is a hard pill to swallow. I know we can’t afford to have me not working, but can we even afford for him to go here, to a place that I don’t even love? I can’t imagine a place that I would love being cheaper. . .
I guess, we will keep looking for now. I have another appointment for next week. And I’m really excited about this place, but I have a feeling we won’t be able to afford it. I just don’t know how people do it that have less than we do. I guess it’s just a balancing act, and it will work out in the end.
Well, here is what I got. I pulled in to find no parking, not sure why, since there were only 2 parents dropping off and 7 people working. . .but whatever. I go to open the door, but noticed there is a security code. Well, that’s a plus! D sees me and opens the door to let me know she will be right with me. Immediately, I am almost knocked over by parents and kids trying to get through their morning routine. It’s crowded, I have nowhere to go, and it’s loud! Oh, so very loud! I thought it was going to be set up more like a doctor’s office, a waiting room, with a receptionist. You sign in your little one and off they go with their keeper for the day. Once again, not sure why I thought it would be that way.
D comes back to get me and we go to the infant room, which is small. It reminds me of what an orphanage would look like. Cheap cribs all lined up, a small place for them to crawl, a rocking chair. You have to remove your shoes to go back, so you don’t track dirt back there. Again, a plus. But the whole time she is talking, I am thinking, can I really drop my baby off here?
After all is said and done, they are more than qualified to take care of my baby. Probably, more so then I am. It’s clean, it seems to be well organized, and the people seem to be great. It came highly recommended. But I can’t shake the feeling that that place is not where he is supposed to be. The cost for what I am getting, seems to be a little much. It’s half of my weekly paycheck. And even as I write this, that is a hard pill to swallow. I know we can’t afford to have me not working, but can we even afford for him to go here, to a place that I don’t even love? I can’t imagine a place that I would love being cheaper. . .
I guess, we will keep looking for now. I have another appointment for next week. And I’m really excited about this place, but I have a feeling we won’t be able to afford it. I just don’t know how people do it that have less than we do. I guess it’s just a balancing act, and it will work out in the end.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
National Infertility Week
This week is National Infertility Week. And I just wanted to bring it to light. There are so many women facing this problem, and yet, no one talks about it. It's such a private battle and a painful one. To have the one thing you want so badly, that other people seem to achieve without a second thought, not come easily or at all to you is crushing. This is a disease that comes in so many forms and affects so many. It plays with your emotions, counting the months, counting the days, test after test. Negative after negative.
I know many people who are battling this, I'm not sure if I didn't have to fight my own battles to get here if I would have known about their battles. I still can't say, I know how you feel or what you are going through. Because everyones experience is different, and I could never fully understand how this is affecting you. But what I can say is I admire you. How you keep going, how you find happiness in everyday, and how you haven't let it destroy you. How every morning you get up and face the day and go through the process that you have to go through. Temping, pills, doctors appointments, shots. I truely admire you, and am your biggest cheerleader. And every night I pray for you, to find the light at the end of your tunnel.
I know many people who are battling this, I'm not sure if I didn't have to fight my own battles to get here if I would have known about their battles. I still can't say, I know how you feel or what you are going through. Because everyones experience is different, and I could never fully understand how this is affecting you. But what I can say is I admire you. How you keep going, how you find happiness in everyday, and how you haven't let it destroy you. How every morning you get up and face the day and go through the process that you have to go through. Temping, pills, doctors appointments, shots. I truely admire you, and am your biggest cheerleader. And every night I pray for you, to find the light at the end of your tunnel.
Monday, April 26, 2010
What not to say.
When you wife is 7 months pregnant, and not feeling all that hot or skinny. The following conversation, probably shouldn't happen.
Scenerio: Watching a movie with Jennifer Aniston
Husband: How old is she now.
Wife: I don't know, over 40.
Husband: She is f*cking hot.
Scenerio: Watching a movie with Jennifer Aniston
Husband: How old is she now.
Wife: I don't know, over 40.
Husband: She is f*cking hot.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
30 Weeks
Pregnancy: 30 weeks
Weight Gain: up one pound from last doctors appt. 153 lbs
Sleep: I've actually been sleeping really well lately.
Gender: Boy
Feeling: Pretty good. My back has been aching the last few days, but nothing too bad.
Health: Good.
Movement: Not as strong as before, I assume because he can't flip anymore. So just light jabs and kicks throughout the day.
Belly: Measuring 2 weeks ahead. No stretch marks yet, and belly button still in.
Next Appointment: May 4th, I will be 32 weeks and 2 days.
Weight Gain: up one pound from last doctors appt. 153 lbs
Sleep: I've actually been sleeping really well lately.
Gender: Boy
Feeling: Pretty good. My back has been aching the last few days, but nothing too bad.
Health: Good.
Movement: Not as strong as before, I assume because he can't flip anymore. So just light jabs and kicks throughout the day.
Belly: Measuring 2 weeks ahead. No stretch marks yet, and belly button still in.
Next Appointment: May 4th, I will be 32 weeks and 2 days.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Things I Wish People Would Have Told Me
Some things about pregnancy are never talked about. You hear all the stories about morning sickness and know to expect that, but after that, it seems that everyone paints a picture of being this glowing pregnant woman walking around and everyone puts you first. It’s really not that way, let me share some things with you:
1. (we will just get this one out of the way first, you can figure it out on your own) Shit doesn’t happen.
2. Because of this, hemorrhoids do happen
3. Pantyliners are your best friends for many reasons.
4. Before you start to show, your husband just won’t get it. I mean you look the same as you did before, so I just don’t think they can comprehend what your body is going through.
5. People don’t open doors for you, or let your cross the street, or offer their seats to you. It’s just not that kind of world! And when they do, you will be shocked and truly grateful.
6. You will have more work to do now, than you did before. Everyone says pamper yourself. . . I ask, with what extra time? Suddenly you notice the baseboards are dusty, and you HAVE to clean them. You can’t have your baby breathing in dust! No one will cut you slack at work, and now you have to prepare everyone for your maternity leave on top of everything else you do.
7. Money is an issue. Unless you work for this wonderful company that gives you full pay for your maternity leave, you will have to figure out on how to live on less, but still provide for one more person. Good luck.
8. Sleep doesn’t always come easy. You can be completely exhausted and spend the whole night tossing and turning.
9. Surprises happen. Be prepare for everything not to go smoothly and extra tests to be done. And do not stress before you have the results.
10. No matter how much you feel you are prepare or feel ahead of the game. You’re not. You will hit the last 2 months and panic sets it. Why don’t I have that??? I have to get that done!!!! I don’t have enough time. I am trying to except the fact that I am never going to be completely prepare, and I have to accept that and let some things go.
11. People will ask inappropriate questions, and there is nothing you can do about it.
12. Family members and friends will think that you are keeping stuff from them and not telling them everything, what they don’t realize is that it’s none of their business and you don’t want their opinions (unless asked for). Smile at them, and just remind them politely that you and your husband are keeping some things private.
13. You will say you are going to exercise and eat better, and you will try for awhile. But once again, things don’t always work out the way you planned. Most of the time the chocolate just tastes better then the apple. And sleep is so much better than the gym.
1. (we will just get this one out of the way first, you can figure it out on your own) Shit doesn’t happen.
2. Because of this, hemorrhoids do happen
3. Pantyliners are your best friends for many reasons.
4. Before you start to show, your husband just won’t get it. I mean you look the same as you did before, so I just don’t think they can comprehend what your body is going through.
5. People don’t open doors for you, or let your cross the street, or offer their seats to you. It’s just not that kind of world! And when they do, you will be shocked and truly grateful.
6. You will have more work to do now, than you did before. Everyone says pamper yourself. . . I ask, with what extra time? Suddenly you notice the baseboards are dusty, and you HAVE to clean them. You can’t have your baby breathing in dust! No one will cut you slack at work, and now you have to prepare everyone for your maternity leave on top of everything else you do.
7. Money is an issue. Unless you work for this wonderful company that gives you full pay for your maternity leave, you will have to figure out on how to live on less, but still provide for one more person. Good luck.
8. Sleep doesn’t always come easy. You can be completely exhausted and spend the whole night tossing and turning.
9. Surprises happen. Be prepare for everything not to go smoothly and extra tests to be done. And do not stress before you have the results.
10. No matter how much you feel you are prepare or feel ahead of the game. You’re not. You will hit the last 2 months and panic sets it. Why don’t I have that??? I have to get that done!!!! I don’t have enough time. I am trying to except the fact that I am never going to be completely prepare, and I have to accept that and let some things go.
11. People will ask inappropriate questions, and there is nothing you can do about it.
12. Family members and friends will think that you are keeping stuff from them and not telling them everything, what they don’t realize is that it’s none of their business and you don’t want their opinions (unless asked for). Smile at them, and just remind them politely that you and your husband are keeping some things private.
13. You will say you are going to exercise and eat better, and you will try for awhile. But once again, things don’t always work out the way you planned. Most of the time the chocolate just tastes better then the apple. And sleep is so much better than the gym.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
29 Weeks
How far along are you? 29 Weeks
Total Weight gain/loss? I'm holding steady at 152, so no weight gain from my last doctors appt. Hopefully I can keep it that way until next week! My doctor will be so proud!
Stretch marks? Nope:)
Baby Movement? Yes, the other day I don't think he slept at all. I would poke at a certain place and he would kick back.
Best moment this week? Passing my glucose test! My arms look horrible, but I passed!
Food Cravings? Always chocolate, but that was before I was pregnant too!
Belly button in or out? Still in.
Milestones? Crib is together. But that was a few weeks ago. . .so I guess I need to get moving!
Weekly Wisdom? Sleep! And if you feel like you are going to pass out, call someone! Thanks CL!!!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
That is the word that I use to explain this pregnancy. Maybe because I haven't been that sick (even though I do not remember one day in the first tri where I actually felt good) but I haven't really had any of the aches and pains everyone else seems to complain about. The worst part was the migranes in the beginning of the second tri, but they passed within 2 weeks. Yes, my feet are swollen when I come home from work, but normally after having them elevated for 30 minutes, they look almost normal. Yes, there are days when my back is sore, but it's not horrible.
It's just weird and different. There have been days where I don't feel pregnant at all, and then I pass by a mirror or look down and it's like "Whoa!! What is that?!" It's like I didn't see the ending in sight, so it's like we are slowly preparing but, no real progress. But lately, for me, it seems to be changing.
I've come to realize it two months, I might be holding a baby. And I'm not ready. Mentally, yes, but he wouldn't have a lot of stuff. In fact, I need almost everything! Little man has a crib and sheets, and some clothes, but that's it. All of a sudden I feel rushed, I feel behind, but yet I don't know where to begin. So at the beginning of this week, I am going to get organized. I'm going to walk in that nursey and make a list and start doing, not just scanning the internet for cute things.
I'm not sure what has made me feel this way, maybe its the fact that I don't think he sleeps much anymore! He is always up kicking and moving, so there isn't a time where I am not thinking about him, because it's kind of hard to ignore the punches and jabs. Maybe it's the fact that the weather is starting to be nicer and reminding me of summer, and I know that means his arrival is right around the corner. It could be because our classes start soon at the hospital, or my maternity pics in two weeks, or that my shower invites went out. It's probably just all of these things, but I know for certainty now, that he is coming! And mommy and daddy need to start preparing!!!
Friday, April 9, 2010
3-Hour Test
So I did the three hour test yesterday, which is actually closer to a four hour test. They draw blood 4 different times, my arms look like I am a drug addict. I couldn't eat from 7:30 the night before and didn't get out of there until noon. So needless to say, if you don't feed a pregnant women for that long she is a little emotional and bitchy. My arms where very sore yesterday, today I'm feeling a lot better. I feel like a passed, but how do you know with these things?
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
28 Weeks
Pregnancy: 28 weeks
Sleep: Most nights are good, I usually wake up 2/3 times to go to the bathroom or because I realized I rolled on my back.
Gender: Boy
Feeling: Good. I assume this is about me. . . :) But I have been feeling pretty good, my back hurts on some days, but overall, nothing to complain about.
Health: I failed my glucose screening and go back tomorrow for the 3 hour test. :(
Movement: I couple times a day, he is much more active at night.
Belly: Getting bigger every day! (and everyone loves to inform me of that!) No stretch marks!
Next Appointment: Tuesday, April 20th.
Sleep: Most nights are good, I usually wake up 2/3 times to go to the bathroom or because I realized I rolled on my back.
Gender: Boy
Feeling: Good. I assume this is about me. . . :) But I have been feeling pretty good, my back hurts on some days, but overall, nothing to complain about.
Health: I failed my glucose screening and go back tomorrow for the 3 hour test. :(
Movement: I couple times a day, he is much more active at night.
Belly: Getting bigger every day! (and everyone loves to inform me of that!) No stretch marks!
Next Appointment: Tuesday, April 20th.
I get a Big, Fat "F"
So I failed my glucose screening on Monday and get to go back tomorrow for the 3 hour test. Oh, joy. I'm so excited, I can hardly contain myself. I hope I pass, I just can't imagine not passing right now. I don't think I gained that much weight, but in most articles I read that wouldn't be the reason that I would have gestational diabetes anyway. So after 7:30 tonight, there is no more eating and I can only drink water. My appointment is at 7:30 tomorrow morning, where I get to drink more of the delicious sugar crap, and then they will draw blood three times. Once an hour. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow. It's going to be a long day. . .
Saturday, April 3, 2010
My Saving Graces During Pregnancy
There are some things that you just can't live without. And I have notived that there are different things that I use or do everyday that really have help me out sometime during my pregnancy. So I decided that I would make a list of what they are.
Preggy Pops - During the first trimester someone introduced these to me, and they actually do work! They would help me get through the day with easing the on-going, 24 hour sickness.
Doppler - Maybe it was because of my previous miscarriage, but in the beginning, I was very consumed with worry that something was wrong. Being able to listen to his heart beat any time I wanted, really helped calm me down.
Pillows - Lots of them! I am surrounded by them in my bed. I didn't go out and buy the expensive pregnancy pillows, so I don't know if I am missing something great. But I find, for the most part, just surrounded myself with bed pillows helps me sleep.
Bella Band or Be Bands - I think this is my number one thing! I can still wear alot of my pregnancy pants because of this. It's just the most wonderful thing that anyone has ever thought of!
My husband - who is my very best friend.
My doctors - Seriously, it might sound stupid. But I think it is so important to find an office that you are comfortable with. My office is close to my house, the doctors and nurses are great. (the office staff falls flat, but I guess you can't have everything) And I will deliver close to home as well.
Blogs - Silly, I know. But I enjoy reading other blogs of mothers or mothers to be. Being a first time mom, it's nice to see what other people went through, and use their blogs as guidance. There are alot of great products I would have never known about if it wasn't for these people. I mean how often do you sit around with you friends and talk about breastfeeding or cloth diapering or worse!
Books - Belly Laughs and Baby's First Year have been my favorites.
Internet - I get weekly updates on what is happening with my baby, and I love it!
Preggy Pops - During the first trimester someone introduced these to me, and they actually do work! They would help me get through the day with easing the on-going, 24 hour sickness.
Doppler - Maybe it was because of my previous miscarriage, but in the beginning, I was very consumed with worry that something was wrong. Being able to listen to his heart beat any time I wanted, really helped calm me down.
Pillows - Lots of them! I am surrounded by them in my bed. I didn't go out and buy the expensive pregnancy pillows, so I don't know if I am missing something great. But I find, for the most part, just surrounded myself with bed pillows helps me sleep.
Bella Band or Be Bands - I think this is my number one thing! I can still wear alot of my pregnancy pants because of this. It's just the most wonderful thing that anyone has ever thought of!
My husband - who is my very best friend.
My doctors - Seriously, it might sound stupid. But I think it is so important to find an office that you are comfortable with. My office is close to my house, the doctors and nurses are great. (the office staff falls flat, but I guess you can't have everything) And I will deliver close to home as well.
Blogs - Silly, I know. But I enjoy reading other blogs of mothers or mothers to be. Being a first time mom, it's nice to see what other people went through, and use their blogs as guidance. There are alot of great products I would have never known about if it wasn't for these people. I mean how often do you sit around with you friends and talk about breastfeeding or cloth diapering or worse!
Books - Belly Laughs and Baby's First Year have been my favorites.
Internet - I get weekly updates on what is happening with my baby, and I love it!
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