Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Things I Wish People Would Have Told Me

Some things about pregnancy are never talked about. You hear all the stories about morning sickness and know to expect that, but after that, it seems that everyone paints a picture of being this glowing pregnant woman walking around and everyone puts you first. It’s really not that way, let me share some things with you:

1. (we will just get this one out of the way first, you can figure it out on your own) Shit doesn’t happen.

2. Because of this, hemorrhoids do happen

3. Pantyliners are your best friends for many reasons.

4. Before you start to show, your husband just won’t get it. I mean you look the same as you did before, so I just don’t think they can comprehend what your body is going through.

5. People don’t open doors for you, or let your cross the street, or offer their seats to you. It’s just not that kind of world! And when they do, you will be shocked and truly grateful.

6. You will have more work to do now, than you did before. Everyone says pamper yourself. . . I ask, with what extra time? Suddenly you notice the baseboards are dusty, and you HAVE to clean them. You can’t have your baby breathing in dust! No one will cut you slack at work, and now you have to prepare everyone for your maternity leave on top of everything else you do.

7. Money is an issue. Unless you work for this wonderful company that gives you full pay for your maternity leave, you will have to figure out on how to live on less, but still provide for one more person. Good luck.

8. Sleep doesn’t always come easy. You can be completely exhausted and spend the whole night tossing and turning.

9. Surprises happen. Be prepare for everything not to go smoothly and extra tests to be done. And do not stress before you have the results.

10. No matter how much you feel you are prepare or feel ahead of the game. You’re not. You will hit the last 2 months and panic sets it. Why don’t I have that??? I have to get that done!!!! I don’t have enough time. I am trying to except the fact that I am never going to be completely prepare, and I have to accept that and let some things go.

11. People will ask inappropriate questions, and there is nothing you can do about it.

12. Family members and friends will think that you are keeping stuff from them and not telling them everything, what they don’t realize is that it’s none of their business and you don’t want their opinions (unless asked for). Smile at them, and just remind them politely that you and your husband are keeping some things private.

13. You will say you are going to exercise and eat better, and you will try for awhile. But once again, things don’t always work out the way you planned. Most of the time the chocolate just tastes better then the apple. And sleep is so much better than the gym.

1 comment:

  1. um...haha....thats one tells you the gory details of after you deliver:) i blogged about some of it but kept it G rated since I have family reading along.
