Wednesday, November 18, 2009

8 Weeks!

How far along are you? 8 weeks 3 days
Total Weight gain/loss? 7 lbs. Almost a pound a week, I’m sure that isn’t good! 
Stretch marks? No
Baby Movement? No, way to early.
Best moment this week? Seeing my baby for the first time and hearing the heart beat.
Food Cravings? Varies everyday.
Sickness? Usually feel a little sick everyday, I have the metallic taste in my mouth again.
Belly button in or out? In
Milestones? I’m further along than I have ever been before!
How big is baby? 7.7 cm
Maternity clothes? nope. But I am rocking my bella band today.
Sleep? yes please!
Gender? unknown
What I miss? Feeling Healthy
What I'm looking forward to? 11 week appt.

My baby is this big:

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

How to be a blog rockstar.

I'm sorry, did you think this blog was going to give you advice on how to have a rockin' blog??!!  Well, it's not. I don't get the whole blogging thing. My blog looks like poo.  I tried to fancy it up on thecutestblog, however I either don't know how to follow directions or directions don't like me. Nothing looks right, it's not sized correctly, I have little wrenches and screwdrivers on my page (is someone trying to hint to me that I need to work on this?) Also, when I follow people, it shows that sad little gray figure. I have no idea where to go to fix that! I've tried countless times. I am a failure at this.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Morning Sickness??

Really? At 4 weeks? You've got to be kidding me. Yesterday, ALL day, I felt sick. No vomiting, but I felt like it was right around the corner. This morning, dry heaves in the morning, and ALL day I felt sick. So I guess I technically don't have morning sickness, I have All Day sickness.Off to take a nap, while I want for hubby. We are suppose to go to dinner, hope I make it through that.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

I still get sad. . .

When I think how far along I should be with my first pregnancy. I would have been into my second trimester now. It just makes me sad. And I know I shouldn't, I should be happy that I am pregnant again and focus on this one. And most of the time I do. But I just happen to see, that someone I know has the same due date that I would have had. And it hurts a little.

Stick Baby Stick. I can't lose you.