Sunday, December 27, 2009

Long time, No Write

Well, things are going good.  I'm a little hyper about everything, and I am always worried that something is wrong. And I can't seem to control it. But other then me being crazy, things are looking good. I have my next doctors appointment in 1 week, and I am looking forward to that. I always seem to feel better after those. It gives me piece of mind for at least a few days.  I would assume once I start really showing (not just looking fat!) I will feel better. I bought a doppler, I figured it would give me piece of mind, however it says not to use it until you are in your 3rd tri, and I can't find the heartbeat. (I'm only in my second.) So I figured I would try every week, and hopefully I will find it soon!

I hope everyone had a great Christmas!!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

2 posts in 1 day. Wow!

How far along are you? Um, I think 10 weeks, 5 days
Total Weight gain/loss? No clue, I don't own a scale
Stretch marks? No

Baby Movement? No, way to early.

Best moment this week? Really, I'm not sure. I told my boss, which was a relief. And I found the picture frames I want to give my parents.

Food Cravings? Nothing really this week. . .

Sickness? Feeling good the last 2 days.

Belly button in or out? In

Milestones? People think I am showing, I think it is fat.
How big is baby? The size of a prune! lol

Maternity clothes? no, but I have use my bella band with everything.

Sleep? not as much as before, but I still like to be in bed around 10ish.

Gender? I'm leaning towards girl

What I miss? Sushi

What I'm looking forward to? Monday's appt.

So, I am one of those. . .

I don't feel pregnant anymore. Yesterday, I felt fine. Today I feel fine. I woke up, and I'm not even hungry. My boobs don't look as big. I'm scared that I am not pregnant anymore. No spotting or cramping, but just everything went away. I hate being like this, I should be happy that I am feeling well. I should be enjoying my pregnancy instead of worrying about it. I get so mad at myself, but I just can't help it.

My doctors appt is on Monday, I am going to begged him for another ultrasound, just so I can see for myself that everything is okay.