Saturday, April 3, 2010

My Saving Graces During Pregnancy

There are some things that you just can't live without. And I have notived that there are different things that I use or do everyday that really have help me out sometime during my pregnancy. So I decided that I would make a list of what they are.

Preggy Pops - During the first trimester someone introduced these to me, and they actually do work! They would help me get through the day with easing the on-going, 24 hour sickness.

Doppler - Maybe it was because of my previous miscarriage, but in the beginning, I was very consumed with worry that something was wrong. Being able to listen to his heart beat any time I wanted, really helped calm me down.

Pillows - Lots of them! I am surrounded by them in my bed. I didn't go out and buy the expensive pregnancy pillows, so I don't know if I am missing something great. But I find, for the most part, just surrounded myself with bed pillows helps me sleep.

Bella Band or Be Bands - I think this is my number one thing! I can still wear alot of my pregnancy pants because of this. It's just the most wonderful thing that anyone has ever thought of!

My husband - who is my very best friend.

My doctors - Seriously, it might sound stupid. But I think it is so important to find an office that you are comfortable with. My office is close to my house, the doctors and nurses are great. (the office staff falls flat, but I guess you can't have everything) And I will deliver close to home as well.

Blogs - Silly, I know. But I enjoy reading other blogs of mothers or mothers to be. Being a first time mom, it's nice to see what other people went through, and use their blogs as guidance. There are alot of great products I would have never known about if it wasn't for these people. I mean how often do you sit around with you friends and talk about breastfeeding or cloth diapering or worse!

Books - Belly Laughs and Baby's First Year have been my favorites.

Internet - I get weekly updates on what is happening with my baby, and I love it!

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